Tuesday, 14 December 2010

I'm Alive!

So I am going to bring my blog back to life. Starting with a review of my new phone, the Samsung Omnia 7!
Windows Phone 7 as an operating system is in it's early days, but unlike the iOS, it is picking up pace fast! For a release version it is very stable! If only the marketplace wasnt so damn expensive... Just because the xbox live games have achievements, it shouldnt mean such a high price. I have, however, bought a few games so far which I do not regret!

But back to the phone... it's that screen that really makes things pop on this phone – it's almost like the feeling you get when you first see a Blu-ray on a proper HD telly: everything looks more real than reality itself. That thing is so bright, even the home screen makes a better flashlight than the apps on my previous iPhone 4!

Overall the phone is a fair trade off for my iPhone 4. Once Windows Phone 7 picks up, it will start to really take shape and I will hopefully get my moneys worth!



  1. i dont like the iphones much. they look easy to break thus being faggy :D

  2. The iPhone 4 was very difficult to break... Im useless with phones! Dropped mine everywhere but never left a mark

  3. Welcome back! I prefer Android myself.

  4. yeah im a total ho when it comes to this stuff, i like a 50 inch screen minimum wont surf or do anything for that matter on a 4in screen i refuse. :)

  5. Thanks you changed the iPhone for this Omnia, much much better

  6. Good choice. I don't like iPhones because of their lack of customization possibilities.

  7. I'm looking to pick one of these up next year when my plan resets.
